This term we had to write a personal experience, and this is an awesome piece of writing from Celine


My eyes flickered and squinted, I came awake from a silent sleep. It was dark and damp in my room, the green curtains were shut tightly. Stretching my bones I rose out of bed and slipped into some comfortable clothes. It was very early in the morning and I moved slowly down the stairs and out of the house, fearing that i might wake someone. Outside, the air was icy. I pulled my sweater over my shoulder absorbing all warmth. Light had not quite come my way so I relied on my senses to guide me down the footpath. I stood for a while wondering what the time was. Minutes passed and I noticed a flicker of light. From the east, yellow light sprinkled across the land. Rays of warmth stretched themselves around the earth. I walked forward. Never had I noticed this marvellous sight.

It was still quite dark until a golden ball of light erupted from behind the trees, it painted the land in all colours. I felt the wind on my face and heard the birds burst into their song of joy. The warmth melted the crusty frost on the grass into dew and the sky was flooded in colour. Peace flowed throughout my soul. This was no ordinary feeling, this was no ordinary sight. This was sunrise, the beginning of a new day.